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SIAM Journal on Computing

Table of Contents
Volume 14, Issue 4, pp. 781-1072

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Data Structures for On-Line Updating of Minimum Spanning Trees, with Applications

Greg N. Frederickson

pp. 781-798

Decomposing a Polygon into Simpler Components

J. Mark Keil

pp. 799-817

A Linear-Time Algorithm for Computing $K$-Terminal Reliability in Series-Parallel Networks

A. Satyanarayana and R. Kevin Wood

pp. 818-832

A Depth-Universal Circuit

Stephen A. Cook and H. James Hoover

pp. 833-839

Searching Semisorted Tables

Helmut Alt and Kurt Mehlhorn

pp. 840-848

On Approximation Algorithms for # P

Larry Stockmeyer

pp. 849-861

An Efficient Parallel Biconnectivity Algorithm

Robert E. Tarjan and Uzi Vishkin

pp. 862-874

Distributed Multi-Destination Routing: The Constraints of Local Information

Jeffrey M. Jaffe

pp. 875-888

Finding Minimal Pass Sequences for Attribute Grammars

Henk Alblas

pp. 889-914

Optimum Communication Spanning Trees in Series-Parallel Networks

Ehab S. El-Mallah and Charles J. Colbourn

pp. 915-925

A Linear Recognition Algorithm for Cographs

D. G. Corneil, Y. Perl, and L. K. Stewart

pp. 926-934

Equations between Regular Terms and an Application to Process Logic

Rohit Parikh, Ashok Chandra, Joe Halpern, and Albert Meyer

pp. 935-942

The Pure Literal Rule and Polynomial Average Time

Paul Walton Purdom, Jr. and Cynthia A. Brown

pp. 943-953

Algorithmic Approaches to Setup Minimization

Ulrich Faigle, Gerhard Gierz, and Rainer Schrader

pp. 954-965

An Extension of Liouville's Theorem on Integration in Finite Terms

M. F. Singer, B. D. Saunders, and B. F. Caviness

pp. 966-990

Concurrent Probabilistic Programs, Or: How to Schedule If You Must

Sergiu Hart and Micha Sharir

pp. 991-1012

Searching Unindexed and Nonuniformly Generated Files in $\log \log N$ Time

Dan E. Willard

pp. 1013-1029

Probabilistic Models and Asymptotic Results for Concurrent Processing with Exclusive and Non-Exclusive Locks

Debasis Mitra

pp. 1030-1051

The Knuth-Bendix Completion Procedure and Thue Systems

Deepak Kapur and Paliath Narendran

pp. 1052-1072